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University Bay Fields/Far West Fields

1301 University Bay Drive

Madison, 53706


Located to the North of UW Hospital and to the Northwest of Nielsen Tennis Stadium. From campus, take Observatory Drive west past the Natatorium. Take a right at the round-about and continue north on Walnut Street. Follow this until you take a right on University Bay drive. Follow University Bay Drive, fields will be on the Left.


There are two rugby fields at U-Bay. The women’s rugby field is located closest to the small parking lot on the north end of the field by the bathrooms. You will see our white goalposts and our scrum sled covered in a tarp.


Students can also hop on Bus Route 80 (it's free) via Eagle Heights. You can also easily bike from campus by the Lakeshore Path or main roads.


Recommended Directions for Out-of-Town Visitors

If you are visiting the field from out of town, we recommend driving to the field from Highway 12/18 (aka “The Beltline” in Madison) which wraps around the south side of the city. You can then exit from Hwy. 12/18 on Exit 258 to drive north on Midvale Boulevard to University Avenue. Turn right on University Avenue, then left on University Bay Drive to reach the field. This avoids driving through downtown Madison and its many one-way streets, especially during UW football games.

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